Header image of a transmission tower

Balancing energy price

Consultations on the further development of the balancing energy price

Within the framework of Article 10 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing (EBGL), the German transmission system operators (TSOs) conducted a public, written consultations on the further development of the balancing energy price. The consultations took place one after the other between 2019 and 2022 and dealt with one of the modules of the AEP listed below

  • Module 1: AEP determination based on prices and volumes of balancing energy and implementation of the ACER requirement of 15.07.2020 Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation Methodology (ISHM).
  • Module 2: Incentivizing component
  • Module 3: Scarcity component 

All documents related to these consultations will be published on this page.
After evaluation and assessment of all consultation contributions the TSO submitted in due time the corresponding applications to the BNetzA for approval. The TSOs reserve the right to publish all submitted comments on the consultation documents at www.regelleistung.net and submitted them to the BNetzA. If the comments contained business and trade secrets, a version redacted at the appropriate places was published.